Saturday, December 20, 2014

2014 Wrap Up

We're closing in on yet another year (and a lack of blog posts) and decided it's a good idea to document the stand out moments of 2014.

- Our first major holidays as a married couple, including our 1 year anniversary (November)
- We adopted Katinka Ingabogivinanana, our border collie mix puppy (February)
- Honeymooned in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (June)
- Bought our first house (September)
- Veronica started a new job with OHSU (February)
- Traveled to Las Vegas, California. Nebraska/Iowa, Washington together
- Bought a new car (Acura MDX)
- Went to a Ducks game and multiple Blazers games
- Found a new church
- Visited our first pumpkin patch/organic food co-op together and picked the perfect pumpkins 
- Went to our first Phish show
- Cooked many new meals together
- Went to the beach for the first time together and the first time with our dog
- Researched candidates and voted in the general election together (Mike's first time)
- Attended yoga classes together 
- Converted from Android to Apple people (iPhone 6 which we love!)
- Converted from Home Depot to Lowe's people (obsessed with our new Samsung washer and dryer)

This year has been eventful and cherished, this list was just off the top of our head in 10 minutes or so of reflecting on our year.

May 2015 being even more new adventures and precious moments together for us and for all of you :) 

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


The McCaffreys